A Letter to a Fasting Palestinian


The Symbol of Resistance, 

A Fasting Palestinian

(Peace be upon you, the day you were born, the day you will die and the day you shall again be raised)

Abdallah! We are fine here and have been constantly praying Almighty to give you the strength to resist the illegal occupational forces. We remember that it’s going to mark the 73rd anniversary on May 15th since the brutality started in Palestine. We cannot feel but understand the physical pain and mental trauma that you have been subjected to every day under the illegal occupation of Israel for these years. We know that it’s way too long to resist cruel settlers. But the world has witnessed that you have championed the field of resilience. You have become a symbol of resistance. You have set an example for everyone in the world to express dissent peacefully to an oppressive state. 

Just a few days ago I came across an update about the midnight attacks on local Palestinian residents in the old city of Jerusalem just at the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan. I know how horrific is it to face such brutalities while you are all set to focus on strengthening your bond with your God. I watched every video of some ultra-orthodox extremist illegal Israeli settlers of marching and chanting slogans like ‘Death to Arabs’ and ‘Burn Arabs’. I’ve also watched them wielding weapons and attacking the local Palestinian’s homes. Watched the videos of Israeli police and army officials as well using rubber-coated bullets and spraying tear gas and skunk water on the victims instead of the perpetrators. This is a new normal dear. Globally. Those who speak against the states or become barriers to the formation of fascist states deserve the dark prisons, rubber bullet, tear gas and skunk water or water cannons nowadays. Some said it was a collusion between both the right-wing extremist group Lehava and the army officials. Still, when I surfed the internet there was no international media coverage of the event. Except some like NYT which called it a clash between both the communities. Although it was a loud and clear call to the genocide of Arabs. 

I just wanted to remind myself, you and all those believers who somewhere are prey to the brutal and oppressive regimes facing hardships at this time that we as a Muslim do believe that we are not sent but to worship Almighty. And that the struggle to let the truth prevail is also worship along with the prayers and the fasts and the pilgrimages. Wanted to remind you what Almighty has promised to those who believe. He has promised for ease with every hardship. Hence, the removal of the barriers from the Damascus gate has proved to be an ease and small victory from the Almighty. I also wanted to remind you that He promised for an Immeasurable and countless blessing in the hereafter and to those who are steadfast in the struggle against the cruelty and tyranny anywhere in the world. And, what else is better than the blessings of the hereafter. I want to remind again that no matter how unethical the oppressor becomes Islam has taught us the ethics to even treat the enemies and prisoners with higher morals. That no matter how provoking the situation appears we are not allowed to harm an innocent and weaker. He the Almighty taught us to be affectionate towards mankind and He has promised that one day even the vice enemy will become a close friend. That no matter how helpless we appeared to be, if we are true believers the Almighty will send the massive aid. The historyis winess. The victory is near! Just a little patience! A little more resistance! 

Keep resisting until we shall meet in Jannah!

Another Fasting Resistant


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