Jojo Rabbit A 2019 Film: Review
The name of the movie 'Jojo Rabbit' has been taken from one of the scenes set in a Deutsches Jungvolk, the junior section of the Hitler Youth, where a 10-year old boy named Johannes Betzler is being repeatedly called 'Jo Jo Ra-bit' and mocked for failing to kill a rabbit. The killing of the rabbit was a process for the child to prove his worthiness. The story revolves around the conflict between the inner and the outside world of the 10-year old, wherein the inner soul is innocent, affectionate towards all the living beings – irrespective of their caste or race, wants to play, make friends and follow butterflies on streets. On the contrary the boy is surrounded by people and circumstances that remind him of his responsibility, the duty and loyalty he has towards his country, that consequently kills his childhood. Jojo Rabbit is a 2019 comedy drama film which was written and directed by Taika Waititi based on Christine Leunen's 2008 book Caging Skies. The film ha...